Glen Canyon

Blue Mountains

Venus Baths Bridge

Mt. Rosea Staircase - First Stage

Mt. Rosea Staircase - Second Stage

Venus Baths Retaining Walls

Little Long Lake

Canadian Walling Festival

Aran Isles

Helm Crag

St. Lawrence Islands

Tom Ghyll

Troutbeck Farm

Mart Crag Moor



Monk Coniston



The Lake District

Lake District Photo Gallery


Grand Canyon

North Bass Survey

North Bass Reconstruction

Glen Canyon

Donner Pass

Lake Tahoe

Honanki - Stage I

Honanki - Stage II

Lake Elizabeth.

Pumphouse Wash

Kanab Creek




Photo Page 3


Reconstruction of Glen Canyon Lookout trail.

The trail taking visitors to a vantage point over Glen Canyon was badly in need of repair. Consisting of extremely soft sandstone the tread had been worn unevenly and steps carved into the bed rock had deteriated long ago. To remedy the problem, tread was re-formed using a gas driven rock saw and picks. Where stairs were deemed necessary a trench was carved into the bed rock and dry laid stones were installed using hard rock imported from Flagstaff. The project, carried out by American Conservation Experience (A.C.E.) Corps members, took five weeks.

Members moving step rock with stretcher.

Shaping stone with rock saw.

The badly worn upper stairs before reconstruction.

Forming footing for new steps with pick.


Completed upper stairway.

Chiseling out trench for middle stairway.

Leveling and packing imported stone.

Placing last step.

Finished middle stairway.